Top Tips to Stay Motivated in Winter!

Winter is here in full force and there is nothing harder than trying to motivate yourself when it’s cold and dark outside. Plus, with shorter daylight hours it can feel like life is even busier than normal! 


Although it may seem like the easier option to hit the snooze button and hibernate during winter, it is the most important time to be putting healthy habits into place. Sticking to an exercise routine will have a healthy effect on your energy levels and physical wellness, as well as improve your mood and mental wellbeing! 


Below we will explore some of our best tips to help you stay motivated this winter. 



Make to-do lists 

Make a list at the start of every day or week and hone in on the goals you want to achieve during that time frame. This could be as simple as the number of times you want to get out for a walk, or focus hours at work.  


To-do lists can make you feel more focused and motivated, and guess what? You can even reward yourself once you have completed everything! 


Wake up early 

Say what?! Yes, we know you probably weren’t hoping for us to tell you to wake up earlier but hear us out. 


Sleeping in won’t help you feel more energetic and it may make you feel more sleepy and tired.  

We recommend getting up to enjoy sunrise during the week – you will be able to enjoy more daylight hours, exercise and get a few things knocked off your to-do list before you even start work.  


Plus, watching the sunrise is a really good way to reset mentally each day and can help you feel more positive and motivated. 


Change your mindset 

This is key to motivation and how you go about life. Instead of focusing on how much you don’t want to do something, think about how you will feel afterwards!  


Try the five-second rule when you’re feeling unmotivated and you know you should be doing something you’re not – count down from five to one and then get started. It may sound simple, but it can work to get you up and moving.  


Schedule your workouts like appointments 

Hold yourself accountable to your workouts like you would do a physio appointment! 


This can work by booking in for a group exercise class at the gym or a walk with a friend or even using a fitness tracker to set weekly goals if you prefer to exercise solo.  


Get some sunshine 

Sunshine can be a serious mood booster and emotional motivator!  


A lovely walk outside on a crisp sunny day during your lunch break can have a positive impact on your motivation. Even choosing to sit outside on a park bench in the sun while you have your lunch will help boost your energy and get you feeling more motivated.  


How Power Physiology can help you stay motivated in winter 

We are all about motivation and achieving your goals at Power Physiology. We specialise in Exercise Physiology and Empowerment Coaching and believe that the body and mind must work together to unlock their full potential AND achieve excellence! 


Whether you choose exercise physiology, Empowerment coaching or group exercise classes, we have something for everyone and we are here to help you. If you are struggling with motivation this winter, make sure to book in with us for an appointment today. Book online or call us on 0430 360 101. 


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